At 80 facebook likes part IV of the special story (see The Diary page for page 3) will be posted.

Close Enough

A young girl walking home from school found a small pile of Polaroid photos lying
in the gutter. There were twenty in all, neatly wrapped in a rubber band. She picked
them up, and as she walked she started to browse. The first photo was that of a
ghostly white man on a black background, standing just far enough away from the
camera that she couldn’t make out his features.

The girl slid the photo to the back of the stack and looked at the next one. The
photo was of the same man now standing a bit closer.

The girl flipped through the next several photos quickly. With each one the man
in the picture came a bit closer and his features were a bit clearer.

Turning the last corner to her house, the girl noticed that the man in the photos
seems to be looking at her even when she moved the stack from side to side. It
frightened her, but she kept flipping them over, one by one.

By the nineteenth picture, the man was so close his face completely filled the frame.
His expression was the most horrifying the girl had ever seen. Walking up the driveway,
she turned to the last photo.

This time, instead of an image, there were two words: "Close enough".

Hearing a scream outside their house, the girl’s brother rushed to the door and
opened it. All he saw was a pile of photographs lying on the doorstep. The top one
looked like an extremely pale version of his sister, but she was standing too far back
for him to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. i've read this a couple times and i think it is pretty creepy :) good job!
